Scripturelink Sites Articles

Wednesday 30 June 2010

America airs arrests of alleged Russia spies

"RUSSIA - USA: Russia expects explanation from US over spy arrests : "The fact that spies continue to operate is no surprise" says our correspondent."

Russia allegedly still spies on America, the arrests come after a slight alleged thawing of relations. Apparently, says France 24, these alleged spies are perhaps there to propagate a good image of Russia, rather than to obtain intelligence about America.

in reference to:

"RUSSIA - USA: Russia expects explanation from US over spy arrests : "The fact that spies continue to operate is no surprise" says our correspondent."
- YouTube - Espionage: Russia denounces US Cold War-style spy arrests (view on Google Sidewiki)

Quick Note: USA Supreme Court did not permit Vatican to be sued

(Catholic Watchdog South Africa / Va-Browser)

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Quick Note Article by Marc Aupiais

|Quick notes are not as researched as articles if researched at all|

Phil Lawler of Catholic Culture, has noted that media headlines that the USA (United States of America) Supreme Court has allowed the Vatican (Vatican City State/Holy See) to be sued de jure (by right of law), are incorrect. Instead it chose not to decide on the matter as yet, a slightly different move.

Here are the more that obvious results, and I may note that in South African Law, at least with the Anglican church in Province of the Church of Southern Africa, Diocese of Cape Town v CCMA et al, it was found that the priest was not even an employee of the diocese:

"By declining to hear the case, the Supreme Court did deal a minor legal setback to the Vatican, which had sought to have the case summarily dismissed. But the Oregon court’s ruling—which the Supreme Court let stand—only gives plaintiff the opportunity to argue that the Pope and the Vatican can be included as defendants. That argument is far from resolved.

In their effort to include the Pope as a defendant, the plaintiff faces an uphill struggle. The Foreign Sovereign Immunity Act protects the Holy See from liability unless the plaintiff can demonstrate that the priest who abused him was acting as an employee of the Vatican. By any of the normal legal standards—who signed his paycheck, who was his direct supervisor, who gave his assignments—the priest was working for the diocese, not the Vatican. Any effort to draw a connection between diocesan policies and Vatican directives would run into a further obstacle: the historical (and very prudent) reluctance of the American courts to become involved in the internal affairs of a religious body.

Even if an American court did give plaintiffs the right to take testimony from the Pope, the Pope would not be bound by that ruling. The Pope is not subject to American law-- nor to any other system of civil law. He is sovereign; in Vatican City he is the law.

Bottom line: If an American plaintiff takes testimony from the Pope, it will be because the Pope chose to give testimony—not because a court compelled it."

Phil Lawler, Catholic Culture (Catholic; Independent; American) 29 / 06 | June / 2010

in reference to: Catholic Culture : On The News : Can the Pope be compelled to testify? What the Supreme Court did—and did not—say (view on Google Sidewiki)

Tuesday 29 June 2010

British Scientists warn Reuters: oil spill clean-up worse than spill

(World Tainted Green/ Social Justice South Africa / Va-browser)

Article by Marc Aupiais

British Marine biologists say that the (banned in Europe I believe) chemical cleaning methods used by BP and the Obama administration, with its attempts to "find out who [Obama] must kick in the ..." is doing more harm to the gulf of Mexico than good. Natural bacteria otherwise would have cleared the oil, but they say that is not politically expedient. This is nothing new, I wrote about it at va-browser a while ago

in reference to: Analysis: Doing nothing might have been best for oil spill | Reuters (view on Google Sidewiki)

Monday 28 June 2010

Be careful what you watch | Catholic definition of pornography

(Chastity South Africa)

Article by Marc Aupiais

My mother always taught me: what goes into your mind stays there. When I watch television, I prefer to avoid any programs with sex scenes in, just as some might avoid pornography, the reason is quite simple: an actor or actress who partakes in a sex scene: by the Catholic definition: is partaking in pornography, and those who encourage these scenes are in fact encouraging the debasing of the human form, and therefore of the divine form, as God lifted the human being to divine.

"2351 Lust is disordered desire for or inordinate enjoyment of sexual pleasure. Sexual pleasure is morally disordered when sought for itself, isolated from its procreative and unitive purposes. [...]

2354 Pornography consists in removing real or simulated sexual acts from the intimacy of the partners, in order to display them deliberately to third parties. It offends against chastity because it perverts the conjugal act, the intimate giving of spouses to each other. It does grave injury to the dignity of its participants (actors, vendors, the public), since each one becomes an object of base pleasure and illicit profit for others. It immerses all who are involved in the illusion of a fantasy world. It is a grave offense. Civil authorities should prevent the production and distribution of pornographic materials."

Catechism of the Catholic Church.

And believe me when I say, there are shows on television which don't have sex scenes, mostly these are the ones I watch.

In fact, I also prefer not to watch shows where characters make out often: as the exchange of saliva is proven to make sexual acts easier, and outside of marriage is considered mortal sin by the church: passionate/French kissing that is.

If you disagree, then why not watch television instead of church on Sunday? Because all the church in the world cannot save you if you do not show Godly fruit. And instead increase the death of souls with no good cause.

A person is not their body, and by accepting or promoting immoral entertainments: you are committing the sin of scandal: the sin Jesus Christ calls the worst sin. And make no mistake: there are levels of sin and of pornography: if the people are really doing as they are portrayed as doing, i.e. if it is what the world calls pornography: then it is more grave.

And note the language "removing" - it does not matter if it is portrayed as secular pornography or not.

in reference to:

"2351 Lust is disordered desire for or inordinate enjoyment of sexual pleasure. Sexual pleasure is morally disordered when sought for itself, isolated from its procreative and unitive purposes."
- Catechism of the Catholic Church - The sixth commandment (view on Google Sidewiki)

Sunday 27 June 2010

David Henrie also Catholic?

Ok, well it looks like Madam Disney Selena Gomez is not the only member of Wizards of Waverly Place that is Catholic, so is the guy who plays some other minor character: Justin: the main character Alex's brother or something: really: I mostly focus on her;)!~ Joke:

anyway: JJJ says: of that minor character some say is a co-star:

"JJJ: Do you consider yourself religious? You come from a big Italian family and you have scripture on your body…

DH: I went to Catholic school growing up. You can also look at the religious implications of [the verses], or you could just take the meanings of them, which are to live a positive and healthy life. There are certain standards by which you should live with and you should obey - I look at both meanings. Let’s say I wake up tomorrow and all of a sudden my faith is totally shaken and I forget everything I’ve learned, I would still want to live my life by the meanings of the scripture. I still try to go to church, but it’s more personal to me now. I say my prayers before I go to bed, I ask for my desires, I ask for forgiveness for certain things. So, I’m still definitely religious.

Read more:

Of course the dude blasphemes in his twitter bio:

"Bio About myself in under 160 characters... well... god there is so much to say about my illustrious career, I dont even know where to begin... Here it goes.....I"

Real mature dude!

To be honest, I love Wizards of Waverly Place, and am glad of this news, of course many actors, actresses and singers are Catholic, and he doesn't seem confessing type; that said, I do enjoy watching the shows he is in, Good on you Dude: now change da twitter before I don't threaten you with nothing!

And stop appearing in my watching Selena time: sometimes my view of her is blocked;)!~

in reference to: David Henrie Interview — JJJ Exclusive! | David Henrie | Just Jared Jr. - JJJ (view on Google Sidewiki)

Republishing: Asynchronisity: a God of Chaos: who sees Chaos in Order/ Order in our own Chaos

Article by Marc Aupiais

|Also published at SACNS|

|I have just republished this here and at The Tempest and The Hurricane|


aSynchronisity (Article originally scrapped, but republished: with editing: on receipt of an email, I was sent: which encouraged me in reworking it)
Article posted by: scripturelink
Survey on Article:

(Journey in a Broken World)

Article by Marc Aupiais

Chaos is to the benefit of the prescient, and those who can predict better than apposing personages: as it happens: by order, we predict the future. Chaos, is that which causes confusion, to those not understanding it. Those who know where an ambush is laid can avoid it, those who understand a routine can use it. Utter chaos is the field where they, who know the future best: outwit all.

Confusion, mystery, chaos: imagine this: fire on water, and war all around, gun shots blast, and sirens blare. Blueness covers the scene, a hidden, not always noticed blue. Perhaps that of the sirens, but not. Red dots, yet this is not a battle between police and robbers. Somehow, the mind must understand, and make order to know what they are dealing with. What makes the red dots: are these vague images lights?

There is a battle going on, a small scene in a great chaos of conflict. One feels the stream, currents of time and space, and move slightly between carnage, and chaos: as bullets spray, and things all of a sudden explode. The sand is muddy now, one is fleeing, one is crawling on scrapping knees, and jumping, and rushing. The heat begins to beat so fast, yet one is guided, one escapes.

Imagine this, and how such casualties are struck, and death wrought all over, as one pauses and moves, like a guerrilla in the woods, or a woodsman hidden in a known forest, or kayaking boatman in the ocean, rowing between icebergs, and whales. It is a complete image which hits me, it always is as an author, and such images combine, and are woven, and altered like clay in my softly moving hands: to create novels: coming in day and sleep. Yet, while such chaos may benefit, none moral would make it through evil: that does not mean that those who are moral and in a situation of such: will not use chaos to their advantage. How much more is it certain: that while free will allows for evil: yet that which is order itself: will use the chaos from such hostility: for the good of all who love Him. In fact, they right thing can well be to tolerate some evil at times: yet call it account when it is best: because immediately smiting one may hurt the innocent: like God, we to only tolerate evil while in a time, and place where it is of benefit to good to do so temporally.

Chaos, and order in this temporal phase of the universal stages: are illusions of sorts, or rather: in the perspective of the beholder, they don't really exist, not here in any case: or else: they exist, but in a way which the ordinary man does not fully comprehend; but which the saint can see: whereby order exists, and chaos: but these are different from normal everyday uses of these connotations to sound. Order refers to control, but only so far as it is needed because control of events by that which is stuck in temporal time: needs to rely on predictability, even cause it. In other words; to order that something be done: is to try to cause a sequence of events where it occurs: orders are there to create order, or an order of benefit to the one making them, or which such thinks of benefit.

We cannot by our perception alone: know the future, or why God does as he does; mystery creates a special "chaotic" code, which only in the seeing of truth, we can understand of all. God is not temporal, but eternal, not even aeviternal, as "rational" souls are. Yes, perhaps the body of Jesus is aeviternal: and that which leaves his form is temporal: but in his divine nature he is eternal, his human nature: I am not qualified to say this: but perhaps it contained temporal or aeviternal parts; yet in such a way as that which is divine could possibly have this: Jesus was fully human: perhaps then his human soul is only aeviternal.

God is eternal: that means he can be none but basis of the fabric of time and space, the little bubble of necessity: we walk and breathe in. Outside of God, there is nothing, there is but darkness: he is the blue bubble which causes the flickering spark of life, caressing all: yet as a lover, not an enemy. He is not the chair I sit on, nor my DNA, yet he is the power in which these are supported; in which all reality rests: against which; ever for now: sin falls against in rebelling, with destruction: breaking death loose on the world! Evil, fighting this power creates false perceptions, so that we neglect to see order in the chaos: and therefore are hit by it and harmed. Even as we admit that a sort of chaos is the order of the universe: we must admit that a good God would create a way for even us to conquer the chaos: this is the purpose of ethics, and virtue: that which is good is compliant to the "chaos" which is God's plan. Morality is simply a dance of sanity: which keeping us safe beyond any prediction's extent. It is sanity which acts morally. We do not pretend to understand time and distance, or fully: the life after death. We do understand that it, which is compliance to the Chaos of God: keeps us alive as breath cannot, beyond death; when we obey God to every extent. Chaos is simply us admitting we cannot control the world. We mourn the pain of animals, and our own pain: and though this is why often some attack God when animals are hurt due to elements of time and space: it is because we are like them; and fear: yet God does no matter of moral evil or anything he considers evil: to man; either evil causes death: as sometimes, it seems: occurs; or in fact: death is not an end; only a doorway to the next sections of our consciousness: that final place: when we are alive or illusion and of death. Indeed: death is the responsibility of God, even the Greeks put this to their Gods: the three "Fates": to disobey God is the route which all sin takes: and whereas morality is the peak acting of sanity: sin: is the slow loss of such needed sanity.

Imagine Him we worship: walking now, by a lake, yet what does that mean? What mystery incarnate: that infinite being: appearing to be, or even being aeviternal in a way, with even perhaps temporal parts: such seems chaos: such energy in but a small form. It is the goodness which makes what seems chaos to be order, and which conquers all illusion which is the actual chaos: this ability to comprehend, and conquer chaos: is the gift which is given. Our salvation lies in the child: Jesus, a man at this time: who walked by and on the lake. Showing he is in control, he walked on such lake against our predictions. Such is "chaos", is it not?

Yet, he is as much a human as a God, even now, he is both: and a human made order of chaos: not by taking the chaos away: but by giving meaning to it, and all things, so that we could be sane, and calm in chaos: collected: and able to exist forever.

God is not a God of contradiction or chaos, but God is also not only a three dimensional being, but a three personed being, yet not three Gods, but one. Our ways are in order, and prediction, his is in a higher mysterious order, sometimes appearing to be chaos and his ways are in knowing, and doing true things. The war between God and evil is between Reality and falseness. God is reality, the very DNA of time and space, or rather: something more elemental than that.

We rightly think God is order, he is not then simply our order: simply put, unlike His rational soul: we are not entirely sane. He is a God who created order: but that is for us, and of his nature, by which we are ordained to be born, he is a God who is logical, but that is because he is the fabric of the universe: that one which all relies upon, on which the fabric of the universe relies, and rests. He is not all things, but all things need him to exist. That which is real relies on him, yet all things cannot include evil. Evil does not technically exist, but is a misfiring, something, a madness which choice allows man: which sucks his very life from him, like the merciless tide of the unforgiving seas. God is "chaos" in a way, but ordered chaos. The chaos which is evil is that without meaning: it is the slaughter of the good; it is evil. Evil: is that which makes us less real: if God is Reality: evil is Illusion, while it does not exist: the void where it is does: so that one truly disobeys by sinning. Evil is a lack of Good: of Reality, of God.

Every Just War, or Just Uprising, is also an unjust war and unjust battle. Those fighting on one side are fighting a Just War, those on the other, an Unjust War.

Is God Chaos in his eyes: no: yet that which is aeviternal cannot fully comprehend that which is eternal: at least not yet. Chaos, in fact is what we use to denote a situation in which we are unable to predict far enough ahead, so as to handle it. Chaos is dangerous. It is how one may well describe many things: it is danger, and fear all at once. It is when: if we could predict its source, we could well survive.

So; if the universe is chaos: it is dangerous: how then is survival adequate except in Love: the key to all things. To comprehend love is to begin to understand God. Love believes the Gospel, it believes the faith: because of the source giving the truth; which is truth. Love, is in fact the meaning in the madness: and by it we can make the right move to stay in key with the music of God... What seems to atheists as insanity in a Righteous God: is not insanity, but love: God's chaos may not be comprehensible to man: but its meaning: love: is.

Love explains all: it is our mentorship in times, and oceanic bouts. Love is deeper than romance: which itself is not love. As yet imperfect: human love; oft wrought with evil illusion: this nature of a higher force: tells us of the perfect Devine love. Waves in the ripple tank reflect the mammoth monsters of the ocean, which hide sharks, and monsters, and powers, and wonders.

God is not chaos but Order: this we know because in some things we understand his ways: especially in matters of love... at least we can understand such. Lust: which tries to falsely appear as, and substitute for love: is a reason many are denied comprehension of the chaos of life.

We do not understand the ocean, not either do we entirely comprehend, nor understand: the spiritual. That which is seen is influenced by unseen horrors, like a boat in the ocean, and protected all around by unseen deity, and goodness: that of Jesus, and the entirety of the Triune God, is that which orders things to protect. Each person has a guardian: an angel to aid; and we each can ask of a Patron; our sister who watches us like a lover, and bride. Yet, our safety is in God, in that which sees order in the chaos, and protects us: heart and soul.

Odd, or convenient, or simply informing for us: that the antonym of "Chaos" is "Order": and when we speak of commands we say it is "orders". We admit that by "authority": "chaos" is fought, or that commands maintain a status quo: yet this is to say that orders which increase meaningless chaos are meaningless: that society and commands are only justified when rational and ordered to the true nature of God. Orders, are that which attempt to combat chaos.

Our way to predict the world's actions is to understand that which causes them. The relation of Reality to us: is what we study, and we know that like in the ocean, jumping before or as waves break like walls, and fall; by mimicking the tides of time and space via what Christians call love, truth, sanity, and faith: we are able not to see God's actions as "Chaos", but as Love, and in this in Sanity, which is the only sane action: we in fact dance with God; meaning that we are safe.

That we have a word: "chaos"; this alone proves such fact of our inadequacy, and of our need of God, and saints, and angels and such: our perception alone is inadequate to maintain our life-force: yet Love, Truth, Reality Himself: offers us an opportunity; not simply to predict today, or ten thousand decades of millennia, if those even shall come to pass: but rather: the cause of the ripples, the love of God asks that we join him forever as saints; he asks this through the living and the Aeviternal saints and angels, and His Son. Here, his prediction, and nature, and the nature of the universe itself preserves us!

To say that the universe is chaotic is to admit we are unable to understand it fully: and to admit that we are not self-sufficient to handle our live here: we die, do we not? If our aim is life, then we are in need of life, so how can God not be needed..? He is needed!

The reason all living people, this even (as shown by the incident at the temple:) including Jesus, when he was incarnated as a child: make mistakes: this reason is that God realized that we would have a choice. We can live in chaos or order: but order lies not simply in handling chaos: one must conquer chaos to have order, and God is not only the God of what appears chaotic; he is the God of Order: order which to those as yet incapable of managing it: appears chaotic.

Now, to those not understanding a culture, or procedure: is it not all just chaos? Yet God gives us guidance: his hand is out, he is waiting, and moving backwards: we must look beyond the swaying waves: of the moving crowds, which do so simply frame his image: we must see beyond "chaos" into the true order, by which we tame the earth with order: we must see God; if we ever want safety. For the purpose of predicting the future; by all our statistics: is self preservation: and preservation of man, and his interests: and yet; the universe, while made with the aim of aiding man: was made for man and God to share: as a place where God has company with man and man's right desires: perhaps even Animals' temporal souls also exist in heaven: in another way than here. Truth is, if they do: it is for our enjoyment.

Somehow, suffering: and things which cause such fear in my heart: these are often the place and time where I turn to trust, and sane action. What is sane in the universe: is that which complies with the true order of it: morality, and religion: Catholic Religion: under Christ him self’s rule from the heavenly king's power: his power: his own truth in his kingship of all: to truth: to love.

So, while one sanely suffers small pain to avoid calamity, as with going to a dentist, or for surgery: we endure "great" pains here in exiled chaos of the mind: but this is nothing, and no thing's power: if we are to live forever in bliss. Chaos is a term which only the limited, finite beings, and perhaps that which empathises with them: can comprehend. Pain: when seen in the light of love: is small compared with the promise it carries for the Just men.

Love, while seeming madness: has meaning: making it somewhat predictable: at least in its purpose. God is not Chaos, but love: and what makes love sane: is a basis in truth!

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Saturday 26 June 2010

Belgian Government in shocking anti-Catholic raid?

The Associated Press among others has reported on a raid of graves, a former archbishop's residence and other incidences, in what increasingly appears to be an international incident between the Vatican City State or Holy See, and the government of Belgium.

Tombs were in the opinion of the Vatican: violated (mouse over for details), and confidential information given the Roman Catholic church by victims of sex abuse now in their 60s and 70s and promised confidentiality: were in the perspective of the Vatican, stolen, by by agents of the Belgian government, in a Vatican shocking: police raid purporting to be investigating sex abuse in the Roman Catholic Church. Says CNA, 30 police members sealed off the residence of a retired Archbishop and Cardinal, in an investigation where documents and a personal computer were seized.

The raid was likely in connection with allegations against the Cardinal, Godfried Danneels, now retired, which to quote the Wall Street Journal:

"Belgium's Godfried Danneels, a retired cardinal who was once a contender for the papacy, was allegedly informed in the 1990s that Bishop Roger Vangheluwe, now 73, had molested a young man. Monsignor Vangheluwe admitted to the abuse last week, and Pope Benedict XVI accepted his resignation Friday.

The Dutch-language daily De Standaard reported on Friday that two former priests had personally informed Cardinal Danneels, 77, about Bishop Vangheluwe's abuse several times"

Former Archbishop of Mechelen-Brussel: Godfried Danneels's documents and personal computer were taken, but police have yet to explain why, and the Archbishop was not questioned. The Police did mention that it related to sex abuse allegations, but if this refers to those made as reported by the Wall Street Journal, in late April, then it may be seen as odd that the police took so long to come down on an alleged co-conspirator, surely some may note then: justice delayed is justice denied, if guilty, the former Archbishop would have had plenty of time to dispose of any evidence of conspiracy.

An outraged and livid Vatican summoned the Belgian ambassador to the Holy See to convey its utmost fury over the raids, especially as two graves were violated. The Belgian Ambassador to the Holy See has since requested a meeting with the Vatican's foreign minister.

The Vatican once again stated its support for seeking "justice and amends" (AP) for victims, but expressed dismay that statements received from victims of sex abuse with a promise of confidentiality were so roughly and in their view unjustifiably seized by the state of Belgium.

Archbishop Andre-Joseph Leonard, of Mechelen-Brussel, and Bishop of Bishop of Belgium, Military, compared the reasoning of police to conspiracies of fictional crime novels and the slander of the <a href = "http://se</p>

in reference to:

"Vatican 'astonished' at Belgian police raid"
- Vatican 'astonished' at Belgian police raid - World news - Europe - (view on Google Sidewiki)

Belgian Government in shocking anti-Catholic raid?

The Associated Press among others has reported on a raid of graves, a former archbishop's residence and other incidences, in what increasingly appears to be an international incident between the Vatican City State or Holy See, and the government of Belgium.

Tombs were in the opinion of the Vatican: violated (mouse over for details), and confidential information given the Roman Catholic church by victims of sex abuse now in their 60s and 70s and promised confidentiality: were in the perspective of the Vatican, stolen, by by agents of the Belgian government, in a Vatican shocking: police raid purporting to be investigating sex abuse in the Roman Catholic Church. Says CNA, 30 police members sealed off the residence of a retired Archbishop and Cardinal, in an investigation where documents and a personal computer were seized.

The raid was likely in connection with allegations against the Cardinal, Godfried Danneels, now retired, which to quote the Wall Street Journal:

"Belgium's Godfried Danneels, a retired cardinal who was once a contender for the papacy, was allegedly informed in the 1990s that Bishop Roger Vangheluwe, now 73, had molested a young man. Monsignor Vangheluwe admitted to the abuse last week, and Pope Benedict XVI accepted his resignation Friday.

The Dutch-language daily De Standaard reported on Friday that two former priests had personally informed Cardinal Danneels, 77, about Bishop Vangheluwe's abuse several times"

Former Archbishop of Mechelen-Brussel: Godfried Danneels's documents and personal computer were taken, but police have yet to explain why, and the Archbishop was not questioned. The Police did mention that it related to sex abuse allegations, but if this refers to those made as reported by the Wall Street Journal, in late April, then it may be seen as odd that the police took so long to come down on an alleged co-conspirator, surely some may note then: justice delayed is justice denied, if guilty, the former Archbishop would have had plenty of time to dispose of any evidence of conspiracy.

An outraged and livid Vatican summoned the Belgian ambassador to the Holy See to convey its utmost fury over the raids, especially as two graves were violated. The Belgian Ambassador to the Holy See has since requested a meeting with the Vatican's foreign minister.

The Vatican once again stated its support for seeking "justice and amends" (AP) for victims, but expressed dismay that statements received from victims of sex abuse with a promise of confidentiality were so roughly and in their view unjustifiably seized by the state of Belgium.

Archbishop Andre-Joseph Leonard, of Mechelen-Brussel, and Bishop of Bishop of Belgium, Military, compared the reasoning of police to conspiracies of fictional crime novels and the slander of the Da Vinci Code.

Godfried Danneels, allegedly has a chequered history when it comes to acting via evil to achieve good, reportedly advising [reference] that unchaste men in Africa wear condoms despite the prohibition in the bible and the Dogma of the church- against masterbation, as intrinsically evil.

in reference to:

"Vatican 'astonished' at Belgian police raid"
- Vatican 'astonished' at Belgian police raid - World news - Europe - (view on Google Sidewiki)

Tuesday 22 June 2010

Daily Mail in blatantly anti-Catholic piece

When I saw the allegation of a she-pope I instantly thought Joan. Even if she existed, the priesthood's power cannot be bestowed upon a woman, as with the papacy, that would simply be a period without a pope, with one of many many anti-popes.

There is no real evidence for this woman, and the claims that there are also little evidences for the many popes at that time, means little, as their existence is neither here nor there.

An expert I accessed, I think on the New Advent site, said of Joan, that the legend started because a pope who ruled around her time was very feminine, one of the actual recorded popes, and that this man's image was noted, I think on coins ages afterwards, and thus, as happens with the fascination with the church, and given that the first writing about this woman correlate with the protestant heresy and schism, that thus, a male pope was distorted and his image used to create a myth of a woman pope, at around the time when protestants would officially be taught that the pope was the anti-christ.

As it is, she would either be non-existent or an anti-pope, there are plenty of anti-popes, and there are also some despicable real popes from that time. Attached in some way to the movie says the biased Daily Mail: Madonna, Nicole Kidman, Cate Blanchett and Minnie Driver.

Is that a usual suspects list in anti-Catholicism? Well, I don't know who Minnie Driver is: none the less: this film, based on a novel, clearly has one intent: to discredit the Catholic church and to front an illusion, based on a non-existent fraud: that a woman can be ordained. The Holy Orders here: only work with men, the sacrament is otherwise invalid. Whereas a heretic ans schismatic can be a priest, yet a woman cannot: for the Holy Orders are real, and the "magic" of God is real and defined and yet truly and rightly confined! The Catholic Church shall never have the power to ordain a woman: this is defined doctrine, from a statement made in the procedure of Papal Infallibility. Any who willingly say nay to the truth here, commit heresy if not schism, for they have knowledge that they obey the church, and in their denial deny not just doctrine but dogma: and the authority of Mother Church and the pope. Jesus said to Peter the first pope: What you bind on Earth is Bound in Heaven, what you Loose is loosed in Heaven. Even the Protestants keep these words in their bibles, having removed so much since their schism started, and having often changed their bibles.

And this binding is evident in Acts 15, a council with the assistance of the Holy Spirit, where the church determines the truth, and says rightly, that this council in union with the Pope: Peter, the rock upon which Christ builds his church, which the gates of hell will not prevail against: was speaking on behalf of the Holy Spirit. And by the words of this council, they determined that parts of the bible of the time, did not need to be followed: that those regulations had passed away: had been replaced: says a church, which is the Pillar and Foundation of the truth, as the bible says (and yes I am constantly referencing the bible here, books included in the miniature Protestant bible too)! A bible which would not exist for 300 years in any official form: not until the Council of Rome first set out a New Testament, and the Vulgate was commissioned of St. Jerome: a bible in the common or vulgar tongue: Latin, translating the many languages of the 73 books!

in reference to: Mystery of the pregnant pope: New film reopens one of the Vatican's most enduring wounds | Mail Online (view on Google Sidewiki)

Daily Mail in blatantly anti-Catholic piece

When I saw the allegation of a she-pope I instantly thought Joan. Even if she existed, the priesthood's power cannot be bestowed upon a woman, as with the papacy, that would simply be a period without a pope, with one of many many anti-popes.

There is no real evidence for this woman, and the claims that there are also little evidences for the many popes at that time, means little, as their existence is neither here nor there.

An expert I accessed, I think on the New Advent site, said of Joan, that the legend started because a pope who ruled around her time was very feminine, one of the actual recorded popes, and that this man's image was noted, I think on coins ages afterwards, and thus, as happens with the fascination with the church, and given that the first writing about this woman correlate with the protestant heresy and schism, that thus, a male pope was distorted and his image used to create a myth of a woman pope, at around the time when protestants would officially be taught that the pope was the anti-christ.

As it is, she would either be non-existent or an anti-pope, there are plenty of anti-popes, and there are also some despicable real popes from that time. Attached in some way to the movie says the biased Daily Mail: Madonna, Nicole Kidman, Cate Blanchett and Minnie Driver.

Is that a usual suspects list in anti-Catholicism? Well, I don't know who Minnie Driver is: none the less: this film, based on a novel, clearly has one intent: to discredit the Catholic church and to front an illusion, based on a non-existent fraud: that a woman can be ordained. The Holy Orders here: only work with men, the sacrament is otherwise invalid. Whereas a heretic ans schismatic can be a priest, yet a woman cannot: for the Holy Orders are real, and the "magic" of God is real and defined and yet truly and rightly confined! The Catholic Church shall never have the power to ordain a woman: this is defined doctrine, from a statement made in the procedure of Papal Infallibility. Any who willingly say nay to the truth here, commit heresy if not schism, for they have knowledge that they obey the church, and in their denial deny not just doctrine but dogma: and the authority of Mother Church and the pope. Jesus said to Peter the first pope: What you bind on Earth is Bound in Heaven, what you Loose is loosed in Heaven. Even the Protestants keep these words in their bibles, having removed so much since their schism started, and having often changed their bibles.

And this binding is evident in Acts 15, a council with the assistance of the Holy Spirit, where the church determines the truth, and says rightly, that this council in union with the Pope: Peter, the rock upon which Christ builds his church, which the gates of hell will not prevail against: was speaking on behalf of the Holy Spirit. And by the words of this council, they determined that parts of the bible of the time, did not need to be followed: that those regulations had passed away: had been replaced: says a church, which is the Pillar and Foundation of the truth, as the bible says (and yes I am constantly referencing the bible here, books included in the miniature Protestant bible too)! A bible which would not exist for 300 years in any official form: not until the Council of Rome first set out a New Testament, and the Vulgate was commissioned of St. Jerome: a bible in the common or vulgar tongue: Latin, translating the many languages of the 73 books!

in reference to: Mystery of the pregnant pope: New film reopens one of the Vatican's most enduring wounds | Mail Online (view on Google Sidewiki)

Monday 21 June 2010

The Darth I mean death of artistic talent

Since when did art become people who just do shocking things for attentions asks Matthew Archbold?

in reference to: Creative Minority Report: Communion Wafers in Swastika Shape? Yawn. (view on Google Sidewiki)

Women discriminated against in population control

Va-Browser Editorial by Marc Aupiais

(I was recently asked by a highly valued reader of South African Catholic if I had hung up my mouse. I haven't, but I have been ill after exams, and have been updating the site, also, I have been writing a purposely controversial and confrontational site, va-browser, which has articles that cannot be SACNS articles purely because they are so purposely controversial here is one: as I said, controversy over perspective, but the facts are correct, VA-Browser may be read in the columns section of the South African catholic site, or on the Va-Browser site, tell me if you want these sorts of articles on South African Catholic:)

This is worth the watch if not simply to see the sad "sexually frustrated" men, who can't find wives, and whose mother is worried, and to hear that in large parts of China they are the rule, not the exception.

While in China being a woman is seen as a disability, in the West children with problems or disabilities, are treated much the same, legally it seems. If a child will be high upkeep it can and often will be aborted here. In fact, half of South African pregnancies were aborted in 2007.

What's wrong with Chinese men outnumbering women- well for one thing a massive population decline to come, and why is population decline bad? We have quoted KPMG on the matter before, as they have warned of the coming decline in the West and in South Africa: a collapse in the public sector, a collapse of skills, companies and government unless enough is done to adapt or prevent the skills shortage, the KPMG article can be found as linked to by Va-browser, in our dedicated articles to the matter.

In any case, Al Jazeera, while mentioning that ultra-sounds for gender are illegal in China, says:

"AlJazeeraEnglish — June 20, 2010 — The Chinese government says its so-called "one-child policy" has succeeded in reining in its population.

But more than three decades after the policy's implementation, China is dealing with some challenging consequences.

In a country where families often value sons over daughters and $20 can get you an illegal gender ultrasound test, there is a massive gender imbalance.

Combined with the country's economic development, this has left an entire generation of men unable to find wives.

Al Jazeera's Melissa Chan reports from Hainan in the country's south, women, it appears, are nowhere to be found."

Point and laugh people point and laugh... I mean put on a sad face and cry. To be honest, when a people put a government which doesn't value population growth in power, they deserve these results, I don't care how "sexually frustrated" they are. Feel free to comment if you disagree, really, I want those comments: because I am making a point.

Fact is, while the propaganda continues to go out about a growing population, the opposite is projected by the experts. We will have to stop using fossil fuels by 2050 whether the population grows or declines: the problem is lack of fossil fuels, not too many people.

And in South Africa, the ten children phenomenon in the black communities is dying out, as they are no longer being pressured into it by ANC activists who wanted to build soldiers, and were at that stage allegedly intimidating children into striking on days such as say June 16: go through the actual interviews. This is why KPMG has included South Africa on its population decline danger list, because our population is to soon decline and with crime, road accidents and medical phenomenon the South African population is in grave danger, as with our public sector!

in reference to: YouTube - China's one-child policy creates massive gender imbalance (view on Google Sidewiki)

Sunday 20 June 2010

Itinerary et al: Relics of the Little Flower, St. Therese in Johannesburg Archdiocese

Make sure to rsvp, or to copy and print the Itinerary!

in reference to:

"ST THÉRÈSE ARRIVES THIS MONTH The Relics of St Thérèse of Lisieux, virgin and doctor, also known as St Thérèse of the Face of the Child Jesus, will arrive at OR Tambo on 25 June and will go directly to the Carmelite Convent in Benoni for unpacking from the freight box."
- Facebook | Relics of the Little Flower, St. Therese in Johannesburg Archdiocese (view on Google Sidewiki)

Saturday 19 June 2010

France 24 violates South African Law

Fortune telling for money is a statutory crime in South Africa, calling a person a witch or wizard, can get you serious jail time. France 24 seems to go to a paid fortune teller, and to call her a witch!

in reference to: YouTube - World Cup: sights and sounds of Durban, and star Samuel Eto'o! (view on Google Sidewiki)

Al Jazeera alleges BP guilt in past and present

Treating the Gulf Oil spill as business not unusual, and noting two other incidents, Al Jazeera accuses BP (British Petroleum) of a long term attitude of negligence.

Missing in the report is any context, any comparison with statistics and information to other oil companies, such as those operating under African or Chinese flags. Nor is it mentioned that the BP oil rig was not being operated by BP, but had been sublet, it would seem. Then again, Al Jazeera is always a bottom crawling news service, not very good at investigating things:

"AlJazeeraEnglish — June 18, 2010 — Two months into the massive oil spill sparked by an explosion that killed 11 people and sank BP's Deepwater Horizon oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico, the oil giant's safety record is coming under increasing scrutiny.

US legislators detailed a long list of criticisms against the British energy firm as they grilled Tony Hayward, its CEO, in a series of congressional hearings this week.

And, this is not the first time a senior BP executive has had to publicly answer for the company's safety record.

Last year the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration found hundreds of violations at BP's refinery in Texas City, in the US.

Al Jazeera's Cath Turner reports. (June 19, 2010)"

says AlJazeera!

in reference to: YouTube - BP's chequered safety record (view on Google Sidewiki)

Friday 18 June 2010

wanna watch the odyssey, I mean Narnia

I often find I like Thomas Peters, he has impressed me again, what hasn't is a fastly I mean vastly distorted, version of classic: The Dawn Treader, by what used to be an Anglican, C.S. Lewis, although his form of Anglicanism is long gone. What is also long gone is his touch on the book: why is the white which constantly resurrected, doesn't seem like such a powerful Lion, that he could not kill the Queen of a world, which was destroyed by the word of her mouth? I agree, unless with a friend, I don't think I want to watch this cheap gimmic of a movie, which has committed sacrilege on classic literature!

in reference to: Video: Voyage of the Dawn Treader Trailer « (view on Google Sidewiki)

Thursday 17 June 2010

Indonesia takes Chinese cheap labour cheesecake slice- Al Jazeera

After suicides and strikes in China, International Companies have often now found themselves raising pay to acceptable or near acceptable conditions, or facing strikes. The answer for the West (Europe) and Middle East : move to cheap labour in Indonesia- says Aljazeera!

in reference to: YouTube - News Bulletin - 14:05 GMT update (view on Google Sidewiki)

#Israel WILL let educational materials into #HAMAS'a #GAZA- #AlJazeera

The slated choice to let more materials in has turned out to be correct- for more details, see our previous article!

in reference to: YouTube - News Bulletin - 14:05 GMT update (view on Google Sidewiki)

Wednesday 16 June 2010

Israel may allow Steel, Concrete, school stuffs into Gaza

"Israel, with Egypt's cooperation, has blockaded the Palestinian territory by land and sea ever since Hamas militants, with a violent anti-Israel agenda, seized control of Gaza in 2007.

For the most part, only basic humanitarian goods have been allowed in.

Items such as cement and steel, badly needed to rebuild homes and businesses after Israel's war in the territory last year, have barely been allowed in. Israel says militants can use them to build weapons and military fortifications.

Under the new guidelines, those materials will be allowed in to an undetermined extent in coordination with the United Nations, but won't be freely available to private citizens, Israeli officials said. Restrictions on things like school supplies, books, computers and toys are expected to be lifted."
~Associated Press

While Israel is expected to continue a vast array of economic and military sanctions against Hamas (Islamic Resistance Movement) controlled Gaza (The Gaza Strip), it may be forced to let in less sensitive materials including building materials it has been suggested.

As for the Hamas controlled Gaza economy, this is likely to remain under the ground, fed only by secret Hamas controlled tunnels largely it would seem. Let us see what the Associated Press's "Senior Cabinet ministers" decide!

in reference to:

"Under the new guidelines, those materials will be allowed in to an undetermined extent in coordination with the United Nations, but won't be freely available to private citizens, Israeli officials said. Restrictions on things like school supplies, books, computers and toys are expected to be lifted."
- - Officials: Israel to Significantly Ease Gaza Blockade (view on Google Sidewiki)

Tuesday 15 June 2010

Can we borrow this Bolivian Bishop for the Football World Cup

because he clearly gets the role of bishops better than the hippy promoting Southern African Catholic Bishops' Conference, which seems to worship Bafana Bafana more than God lately, and has us all singing the many language South African National Anthem in Church on Sundays- imagine if we were to recite a pro-life pledge?

Archbishop of Cochabamba, Archbishop Tito Solari, has warned in concern and in earnest his flock in Bolivia, not to act immorally or dangerously during the Carnival in Bolivia. Imagine if the SACBC spent their time warning us not to drink and drive in the world cup, not to act immorally, to be watchful: and seek the spiritual, and joy without sin? Imagine if the SACBC actually talked much more about sin, rather than about this or that priest who died, or this or that national event. Archbishop of Cochabamba, Archbishop Tito Solari, come to South Africa, PLEASE!

in reference to: Avoid excesses in carnivals, Bishop asks Catholics (view on Google Sidewiki)

Update: Hyundai pulls offensive ad!

Thanks for any help you, my readers leant to American Papist's Catholic vote Action campaign against Hyundai's offensive anti-Catholic ad- now no longer their means of advertising via the World Cup- says Thomas Peters!

in reference to: Update: Hyundai pulls offensive ad! « (view on Google Sidewiki)

Spain's government destroys a religious statue- Catholic News Agency

"catholicnewsagency — June 14, 2010 — The "Pieta" statue in the Valle de los Caidos (Valley of the Fallen) which has been a symbol of reconciliation after Spain's Civil War is being decapitated by Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero's government."

I would not be surprised if this report from Spain, where CNA's parent company South American: ACI Prensa seemingly exists is true, given the record the Spanish government has. It is much like the choice to rename God's Window in South Africa, the changing of national identity by which symbols exist and what they mean.

The Biggest opposition to the Socialist Administration which wrecked the Spanish Economy, is the ever vigilant Catholic Church: which the government continuously and purposely opposes.

in reference to: YouTube - Spain's government destroys a religious statue (view on Google Sidewiki)

Spain's government destroys a religious statue- Catholic News Agency

"catholicnewsagency — June 14, 2010 — The "Pieta" statue in the Valle de los Caidos (Valley of the Fallen) which has been a symbol of reconciliation after Spain's Civil War is being decapitated by Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero's government."

I would not be surprised if this report from Spain, where CNA's parent company ACI Prensa exists is true, given the record the Spanish government has. It is much like the choice to rename God's Window in South Africa, the changing of national identity by which symbols exist and what they mean.

The Biggest opposition to the Socialist Administration which wrecked the Spanish Economy, is the ever vigilant Catholic Church: which the government continuously and purposely opposes.

in reference to: YouTube - Spain's government destroys a religious statue (view on Google Sidewiki)

Monday 14 June 2010

300 tortoises saved after Malaysian airport staff see bags wriggling (slowly)

Awe. Go tortoises go- literally: their movement saved them in Malaysia! Kuala Lumpur International Airport, found rare endangered Madagascan slow movers, and other creatures with shell!

in reference to:

"Kuala Lumpur International Airport"
- - 300 tortoises saved after Malaysian airport staff see bags wriggling (slowly) (view on Google Sidewiki)

SA police used violence against legitimate protesters?

If true, then this AP story as edited by SAPA is shocking. Protesters claim they were offered R1,500 a day but got R190 a day to be stewards for the world cup stadium in Durban, and were unable to get home due to poor transportation. R1,500 is not what anyone would get for being a steward, but tricking the foolish is hardly becoming if FIFA did so, people quit their jobs for higher wages at times. Point? The police were allegedly set on the protsters, sure it was likely an illegal strike as strikes need state permission to be held, but this seems like excessive force by police who are not mentioned as warning the crowd to disperse, and tear gas them says the Associated Press.

Granted, putting concrete blocks into the streets of Durban outside the stadium is disruptive, but one hardly sees this alleged response when ANC allies COSATU disrupt roads in terrible ways. Under Zuma, this cup seems hardly as organized as those held by previous administrations in the ANC regime. Allowing Vuvuzelas which are proven to cause loss of hearing, the noise pollution everywhere, the unimpressive opening ceremony, and now these alleged protesters, who for some reason thought they were earning rates not befitting their low employment. I wonder if they will be compensated for going deaf after long exposure to Vuvuzela sounds? This will be a world cup many won't forget- but not for the reasons the government would suggest. E.g. children off school, while their parents work, human and drug trafficking, tourists who go home with HIV/AIDS. Or the many road deaths.

in reference to: Police break up Cup wages protest - Mail & Guardian Online: The smart news source (view on Google Sidewiki)

Foreigners flock to SA bonds

I am sure this is good news, but can someone get an accountant to translate for the rest of us!?

in reference to: Foreigners flock to SA bonds: Fin24: Markets: Bonds (view on Google Sidewiki)

Andrea Bocelli praises mother for rejecting doctor's advice to abort - Telegraph UK

Took a long time for the Telegraph to pick up this story.

in reference to: Andrea Bocelli praises mother for rejecting doctor's advice to abort - Telegraph (view on Google Sidewiki)

Sunday 13 June 2010

British girls use abortion instead of traditional contraception- Telegraph UK

I read about this situation ages ago in the Daily Mail, but the Telegraph is seen as more accurate.

Interestingly enough, a recent study in America, found that children given values based sex education without contraceptive education are more likely to use condoms, etc than those taught about them in schools, likewise where condoms are provided in prostitution hotels, with educative materials, they are more unlikely to be used according to a study by an well known medical journal in South America. The idea of teaching a child to use contraceptive, also has been linked to an increase in dangerous sexual activity. Many figures link contraception to abortion. If the British people with their legalized prostitution, abortion adverts on subways, and centuries old mistreatment of women didn't see this coming, then they are blind.

Abortions in general went down slightly in Britain last year, repeat abortion seekers were significantly up. KPMG has warned of a possible crisis in the public sector in many countries including South Africa due to a declining, ageing skilled workforce.

in reference to: Dozens of teenage girls have had three abortions or more - Telegraph (view on Google Sidewiki)

Nine years old girls are getting breasts- Telegraph

A study in the Denmark is raising fears of an increase in breast cancer, diseases in later life, and for girls considered already over-sexualized, as Denmark's Girls are now hitting puberty at 9 years and 10 months, a year too early. Some suspects include chemicals in food, and chemicals which children are exposed to in baby products, over-eating, but surprisingly not sex: given the ever lowering age at which children in Western Societies are first having sex. Evidence in America, the United States that is, and great Britain also seem to suggest that puberty is coming earlier, along with the health hazards which accompany that!

in reference to: Girls now reaching puberty before 10 – a year sooner than 20 years ago - Telegraph (view on Google Sidewiki)

Saturday 12 June 2010

Software spots internet frauds #paedophillia

Developed by the folks at Lancaster University, so they claim, is a software program that picks up your age and if you are lying- to a degree, by the words you use, even if you are trying to act like a person of a different time and age!

A study showed the software successful in 47 of 50 test cases, where adults were purposely told to pretend to be teenagers to those who it was tested on. This is a much better rate than many's natural defences- however it isn't perfect. If it is bought and doesn't detect a paedophile, there are still basics- like don't take pictures, and try talk with a webcam and trick them to see if they are real, maybe phone talking conversations etc.

As it is, children shouldn't be using these chat rooms to meet new people the internet is dangerous.

I hope the police who plan to use it one day to spot paedophiles more simply won't rely solely on this imperfect technology, in Britain.

Useful- if seen as imperfect!

in reference to: IOL Technology - Web tool unmasks online impostors (view on Google Sidewiki)

Thursday 10 June 2010

Apple not for eve: Jobs, and Microsoft ban porn on phones

No porn applications or suggestive screen shots for the Ipad and Ipod applications marketplaces says Steve Jobs, of Apple- saying people who want that can buy Google's Android OS phones, and stating he wants a porn free world. Microsoft has joined arms with Apple here: no porn for the Windows Phone 7 marketplace. That doesn't mean people can't send porn to each other- it does mean a giant leap for anti-porn kind. I applaud Apple and Microsoft. Google MR Google: what happened to don't be evil? Google of course is complaining over Australian plans for an effective porn filter because the web may be slightly slower, as with their profits if the Australians succeed, so their Android OS will likely be the porn phone for some time: after all: Google makes a lot of money off pornography searches. isn't pornography evil MR Google? MR Google?

in reference to: Following iPhone’s Example Windows Phone 7 to Ban Porn Apps (view on Google Sidewiki)

British heir to the throne wants to use population control to get less poor people

The Prince of Wales has called for societal change and other controversial methods of protecting non-human animals and their habitats from human beings: by reducing third world populations. He has even had the audacity to ask Muslims to return to traditional trades, rather than benefit from Western commercialism.

General trends point to a population which will decline says the Telegraph.

KPMG warns of catastrophe accompanying this, saying in a summary on a document (available online) about the aging and declining population as noted in the International Monetary Fund 2006 Working document, which deals with a workforce which may not be replaced, and permanent loss of skills:


"KPMG believes this an opportunity to create leaner organisations and careful strategic plans need to be put in place now to deal with the potentially huge impact of demographic change."

They say this having noted fears and dangers across the business world, including South Africa!

Note document here:

in reference to: Prince of Wales calls for population control in developing world - Telegraph (view on Google Sidewiki)

British heir to the throne wants to use population control to get less poor people

The Prince of Wales has called for societal change and other controversial methods of protecting non-human animals and their habitats from human beings: by reducing third world populations. He has even had the audacity to ask Muslims to return to traditional trades, rather than benefit from Western commercialism.

General trends point to a population which will decline says the Telegraph.

KPMG warns of catastrophe accompanying this, saying in a summary on a document (available online) about the aging and declining population as noted in the International Monetary Fund 2006 Working document, which deals with a workforce which may not be replaced, and permanent loss of skills:


"KPMG believes this an opportunity to create leaner organisations and careful strategic plans need to be put in place now to deal with the potentially huge impact of demographic change."

They say this having noted fears and dangers across the business world, including South Africa!

Note document here:

in reference to: Prince of Wales calls for population control in developing world - Telegraph (view on Google Sidewiki)

KPMG notes fears worldwide of the ageing workforce problem

Accompanying an ageing population, is the global population decline, and accompanying both are international fears of economic plight because not enough younger workers are replacing ageing workforces!

in reference to: KPMG - Rising to the challenge? The impact of global demographic change on the public sector (view on Google Sidewiki)

South African unions representing 1.2 million cops, nurses, teachers and officials reject wage offer, may strike during World Cup - Reuters

So the unions are to strike: anything to do with the plot to get Zuma out of power by some ANC members: since he turned into another economic conservative? As always in South African politics: the long knives and strikes are out!

in reference to: Twitter / Breaking News: S. African unions represen ... (view on Google Sidewiki)

Made for Children by Children- China's labour woes

I have often complained of the Chinese goods and how kids clothes are made by kids, and how Rural Chinese, like the blacks under Apartheid are forced into near slave labour. Well, the Rural Chinese are kicking ... dirt... at the unfair labour practices of China. Since Apple manufacturing Foxconn raised salaries due to a spate of suicides and the bad press, others, including those Plebeian under-classes who manufacture Honda in slave-like conditions: are striking, and it is striking at China's core.

After the South African Textile industry collapsed as the ANC slept in bed soundly with their Communist Party allies from Beijing, our textile and many other industries collapsed. Perhaps finally China will be forced to work fair. So, especially as it benefits South Africa. Viva la Chinese worker, strike them to their cores, those Red Communists! Viva, as this benefits the rest of us, much more than it does you. Of course it doesn't help the immoral companies which use Chinese labour and there are other countries where similar conditions prevail. None the less: this is good, and shines a light on the cheaters who use Chinese labour, and use the Chinese people to do so, in a way similar to good old Usury.

in reference to: China labor unrest spreads as workers seek more | Reuters (view on Google Sidewiki)

Wednesday 9 June 2010

What a lot of suspense in one advert for Royal Dutch Airlines

I rate they put a system up his legs and back- they never move, and maybe they suspended him. Well done KLM, you freaked out a whole airport. Shame;)!~

in reference to: YouTube - KLM Economy Comfort Product with Ramana at Manchester Airport T2 (view on Google Sidewiki)

What a clown... I mean acrobat- an odd way to propose marriage!

It has been said he'll be divorced by next year, and his sexuality has been questioned, and there may be a facebook campaign against such proposals. The real problem is with whoever took this video, they forgot to put stabilizer on, and can't use a camera.

Hilarious, if you don't collapse from being dizzy. Poor sap, reminds me of a scene from something like Chuck, or a Google promotional advert, just without stabilizer on or camera skills, by the photographer in Madison Square Garden I think!

Apparently he went to some acrobatic educational institution with his friends. Why must he embarrass the poor lady to say less, I mean yes... none the less, Fridays at the Proposals' house will never be the same, does she know that she's getting into a circus?

in reference to: Proposal Video.m4v - Celebrity Gossip (view on Google Sidewiki)

David Cameron appoints Catholic Tory grandee Lord Patten to ensure Pope's visit to Britain runs smoothly Read more: <a href=""></a>

I often comment on what the Daily Mail has to say- clearly they don't have very good fact checking teams or devices, that said, I found this particular article much better than some others covering the topic. Steve Doughty of the Daily Mail does seem to have written a relatively decent, though sometimes presenting grey areas and opinions as facts etc: article here, I enjoyed the read!

in reference to:

"David Cameron appoints Catholic Tory grandee Lord Patten to ensure Pope's visit to Britain runs smoothly"
- David Cameron appoints Catholic Tory Lord Patten to smooth Pope's UK visit | Mail Online (view on Google Sidewiki)

Shakira's shameful World Cup song/video

I may be pure Ethnic European (Caucasian/White yet: South African born and bred), but let's admit this at least: if you must ignore subsidiarity, and the many local talents: could you at least get a black American or whatever: rather than South American light dresser, camera humping/lewd dancing Shakira?

And this isn't North Africa, it's South Africa: what, South African traditional dress isn't good enough for Shakira: this is the South African Fifa World Cup, not the Ghana or whatever cup, really Madam Almost Always Nearly Naked!

Not that I would want to see South African traditional dress anyway, maybe those cold (because they don't wear clothes) extremists PETA turned her off of it! Still! This IS SHAMEFUL! and RIDICULOUS! And Plays on Stereotype and false perceptions!

Disgusting, egregious! Monstrousity!

in reference to: YouTube - Waka Waka (This Time for Africa) (The Official 2010 FIFA ... (view on Google Sidewiki)

Google launches better/faster/more updated search engine?

That's what they say: having introduced Google Caffeine, apparently they do this by constantly updating small sections rather than large sections~

in reference to: Official Google Blog: Our new search index: Caffeine (view on Google Sidewiki)

Tuesday 8 June 2010

Will Britain become more secular under the Coalition?

An interesting article in The Church of England Newspaper? You decide!

in reference to: Will Britain become more secular under the Coalition? - Telegraph (view on Google Sidewiki)

South African State television on the deadly to our country's image JHB soccer stampede

Tembisa's Makhulong Stadium, was the scene of what the South African government, Fifa, and victims of the stampede did not want.

Fifa, says SABC has dismissed Nigerian Football Association claims, that the stadium was the only one available for the warm up against North Korea. When I say this, when I saw this stampede on EuroNews, the police hardly seemed competent. 10 000 (Ten Thousand) people tried to get in to the free tickets match, through a single stadium entrance gate, the stampede allegedly happened after a rumour that tickets would soon be charged for says media. I am glad the SABC is finally placing stories on YouTube. They are the best of the daily TV news South African mainstream news services, certainly more professional than independent rival E-TV News.

Not focussed on: the role if any of police and the government, in this justifying exercise, it would seem!

in reference to:

"Tembisa's Makhulong Stadium"
- YouTube - Stampede aftermath (view on Google Sidewiki)

Cousteau Video Shows Oil Reaching Surface

Jean-Michel Cousteau captures underwater effects of oil plume

Quite scary interview by Fox News, in America, suggests that deadly chemicals, toxic to humans are being used to disperse the oil, and that these and the oil will head through the Caribbean and towards Western Europe, the Cousteau allegations allege. Cousteau is the son of famous Jaques Cousteau...

in reference to: Cousteau Video Shows Oil Reaching Surface - Video - (view on Google Sidewiki)

Monday 7 June 2010

Church fails to confirm ANY major venue for a papal event as it tries to shift responsibility to the Government- Telegraph

Article by Marc Aupiais

The Blogs Editor of the Daily Telegraph claims that there is a crisis as to the venues where the pope is supposed to say mass in September. His criticism, I am sure, he would claim, has nothing to do with his support of the Tory/Conservative party, currently running Great Britain, in coalition. Or, with Damien Thompson's dislike of the Bishops of England and Wales.

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We Con the world- by the IDF... um I mean Jerusalem Post... um I mean...

Article by Marc Aupiais

Okay, I watched parts of it on France 24 on my computer, and I decided it was hilarious, and it is after all political satire. I don't endorse their views, but I get a bit sick of the bias in local South African media against Israel, so, without endorsing them IDF, or agreeing with their views, or the views of the satirists, including an important figure at the Jerusalem Post, I am linking to this, simply because it is newsworthy. I am not endorsing it!

I got the link from the Jerusalem Post

As I said, matters, as it shows the Israeli view, and that is the thing which must be taken into account, if Israel will ever feel safe enough to stay within international standards.

South African Catholic News Service: Twitter|Facebook|Facebook Discuss|CAF|YouTube|UStream News|UStream Editorial

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Pampers- in anti-abortion fight? ... well- when it's its customers anyway

Article by Marc Aupiais

Big Diapers- in anti-abortion fight... well when it's its customers anyway
Big Diapers, as they are called here: a.k.a. Pampers obviously felt the bottom line (I love these puns), and has decided to go on a campaign to encourage women to carry to term. Of course, the Apple IPad app by Pampers does not mean they have ended their support of Unicef*, which promotes abortion among those who can't afford Pampers nappies.

According to financial firm KPMG, we might all feel the pinch from the population decline soon- given the coming skills shortage they predict, so Pampers, it is coming!

*It may be noted that Pampers does work with pro-abortion, pro-sterilization group Unicef, and help to fund it:

The Pampers app may be downloaded here:


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Hamas, not Israel now holding up aid into Gaza?

Obama, don't tear down these wells- oil spill victims

The people of the Gulf Coast, USA (America/ United States), are demanding that the possibly negligent BP spill not cost oil jobs!- Says ABC Australia!

in reference to: AM - Gulf locals want more drilling 07/06/2010 (view on Google Sidewiki)

Australia: Internet filter, which would block pornography and other banned material

"The Government has though called in the Federal Police to investigate the search engine provider over alleged privacy breaches, as Samantha Donovan reports.

SAMANTHA DONOVAN: The Federal Communications Minister Stephen Conroy has been at loggerheads with Google recently over his plans to introduce a mandatory internet filter. Last month he called Google "creepy" and accused it of committing the "single greatest breach in the history of privacy".

Google says the internet filter, which would block pornography and other banned material, could affect user speeds and accidentally filter legitimate material and now the Minister is battling Google on another front. He outlined his concerns on ABC local radio in Melbourne this morning." - ABC Australia!

I hope he succeeds with the filter, and if Google is guilty, then it is good for them to answer, healthy for business!

in reference to: The World Today - Minister denies Google vendetta 07/06/2010 (view on Google Sidewiki)

Is the Red Cross pro-Islamist?

Teaching medical aid to Taliban fighters in Afghanistan openly, and now this, an attempt to break a political Israeli blockade, which may well even further polarize the mideast!

in reference to: France24 - Iranian Red Crescent to challenge Gaza blockade with aid ships (view on Google Sidewiki)

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