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Monday 31 May 2010

I may not live past today

Article by Marc Aupiais

If I kill myself, blame the um, blame the Sex... and the City... 2... movie, for destroying my reasons for living. haha. Yes, I am being dragged by my good will, and dear love of one of my female friends into watching the same firm offer of reasons to cause your own death- if you are stupid and don't know to love life infinitely: they play in those suicide parlours somewhere in Europe, just in case someone asks for their money back.

I considered getting drunk, but I have never been drunk in my life, the last time I took a sip of Alcohol, was at my Confirmation, when I drank the Blood of Christ from the Chalice. I considered smoking, but I care too much for my health. I considered sex, drugs and rock and roll, but I prefer classical music, and drugs may kill me, and sex is half the problem with that title.

So, instead I put on MK, the Afrikaans musiek channel this morning, and tried to understand what the people were saying, and why their shorts were so short. And with that, my Blackberry to email, twitter and browse the web, and a short article, and given the comfort of my female friend- I might just survive being in the same theatre as Sex and the City is playing in.

Rumour has it, that in the cold war, Mother Russia, would play this movie to American captives, to show them why Russian women are so much better, and thus why they should betray their state, or is it states?

Anyway, I am dressing down, just in case I get some unwanted attention from the other minimal male audience members. Hopefully, if any pitch up, they were also being dragged along, knowing you can't kick or scream around a female friend.

That all said, the reason I am going, is that I dearly love my friend, I love her company, and her humour and much else. I actually plan to enjoy myself tonight... but just in case I don't make it out of the theatre, or the police arrest me for burning down the theatre, like any real man would (joke), I thought to tell you, my readers...

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I always knew South African Musiek was scraping through the sands, searching for some hope of talent

Unfortunately, I don't think they found it here;)!~

Hilarious, terrible Musiek (Music) video, note the mummies, and the poor boere explorer man!

Hilarious! en die baie baie kort kort (Very short) Boere (Afrikaner) broekke (pants/trousers/shorts)!

haha! Why I watch MK!

in reference to: M-NET - MK - DANS DANS DANS !! (view on Google Sidewiki)

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