Scripturelink Sites Articles

Thursday 1 July 2010

Even New York Times notes scandal of Belgian raid on Catholic Bishops

While being sure to note a person claiming that at least 5 000 people must have been abused, and certainly not able to say one good thing about the church while leaving out as much as possible, the New York Times' Stephen Castle somehow manages to write the closest he was able to an article that admits to wrongdoing against the Catholic Church.

Of course this article proves the Catholic Culture editorial recently wrong, in their claims that blatant anti-Catholic attacks are becoming more popular, just the opposite, the Belgian raid has been met with shock around the world! Belgium itself faces the threat of splitting in half recently.

Of course the New York Times, rather than link to related possible human rights violations, doesn't!

in reference to: Belgian Raiders Went to National Archives - (view on Google Sidewiki)

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