No porn applications or suggestive screen shots for the Ipad and Ipod applications marketplaces says Steve Jobs, of Apple- saying people who want that can buy Google's Android OS phones, and stating he wants a porn free world. Microsoft has joined arms with Apple here: no porn for the Windows Phone 7 marketplace. That doesn't mean people can't send porn to each other- it does mean a giant leap for anti-porn kind. I applaud Apple and Microsoft. Google MR Google: what happened to don't be evil? Google of course is complaining over Australian plans for an effective porn filter because the web may be slightly slower, as with their profits if the Australians succeed, so their Android OS will likely be the porn phone for some time: after all: Google makes a lot of money off pornography searches. isn't pornography evil MR Google? MR Google?
in reference to: Following iPhone’s Example Windows Phone 7 to Ban Porn Apps (view on Google Sidewiki)Thursday 10 June 2010
British heir to the throne wants to use population control to get less poor people
The Prince of Wales has called for societal change and other controversial methods of protecting non-human animals and their habitats from human beings: by reducing third world populations. He has even had the audacity to ask Muslims to return to traditional trades, rather than benefit from Western commercialism.
General trends point to a population which will decline says the Telegraph.
KPMG warns of catastrophe accompanying this, saying in a summary on a document (available online) about the aging and declining population as noted in the International Monetary Fund 2006 Working document, which deals with a workforce which may not be replaced, and permanent loss of skills:
"KPMG believes this an opportunity to create leaner organisations and careful strategic plans need to be put in place now to deal with the potentially huge impact of demographic change."
They say this having noted fears and dangers across the business world, including South Africa!
Note document here:
British heir to the throne wants to use population control to get less poor people
The Prince of Wales has called for societal change and other controversial methods of protecting non-human animals and their habitats from human beings: by reducing third world populations. He has even had the audacity to ask Muslims to return to traditional trades, rather than benefit from Western commercialism.
General trends point to a population which will decline says the Telegraph.
KPMG warns of catastrophe accompanying this, saying in a summary on a document (available online) about the aging and declining population as noted in the International Monetary Fund 2006 Working document, which deals with a workforce which may not be replaced, and permanent loss of skills:
"KPMG believes this an opportunity to create leaner organisations and careful strategic plans need to be put in place now to deal with the potentially huge impact of demographic change."
They say this having noted fears and dangers across the business world, including South Africa!
Note document here:
KPMG notes fears worldwide of the ageing workforce problem
Accompanying an ageing population, is the global population decline, and accompanying both are international fears of economic plight because not enough younger workers are replacing ageing workforces!
in reference to: KPMG - Rising to the challenge? The impact of global demographic change on the public sector (view on Google Sidewiki)South African unions representing 1.2 million cops, nurses, teachers and officials reject wage offer, may strike during World Cup - Reuters
So the unions are to strike: anything to do with the plot to get Zuma out of power by some ANC members: since he turned into another economic conservative? As always in South African politics: the long knives and strikes are out!
in reference to: Twitter / Breaking News: S. African unions represen ... (view on Google Sidewiki)Made for Children by Children- China's labour woes
I have often complained of the Chinese goods and how kids clothes are made by kids, and how Rural Chinese, like the blacks under Apartheid are forced into near slave labour. Well, the Rural Chinese are kicking ... dirt... at the unfair labour practices of China. Since Apple manufacturing Foxconn raised salaries due to a spate of suicides and the bad press, others, including those Plebeian under-classes who manufacture Honda in slave-like conditions: are striking, and it is striking at China's core.
After the South African Textile industry collapsed as the ANC slept in bed soundly with their Communist Party allies from Beijing, our textile and many other industries collapsed. Perhaps finally China will be forced to work fair. So, especially as it benefits South Africa. Viva la Chinese worker, strike them to their cores, those Red Communists! Viva, as this benefits the rest of us, much more than it does you. Of course it doesn't help the immoral companies which use Chinese labour and there are other countries where similar conditions prevail. None the less: this is good, and shines a light on the cheaters who use Chinese labour, and use the Chinese people to do so, in a way similar to good old Usury.