Scripturelink Sites Articles

Wednesday 2 June 2010

Media Bias in America's ABC, on abortion

In a shockingly amiss article on Sister Margaret McBride, who caused an elective abortion in a Catholic hospital, and was thus declared excommunicated in accordance with the automatic punishment in canon law, ABC attacks the church stance on abortion, notes "many canon lawyers", and doesn't give the Catholic side of the story.

There was a mere possibility of mother and child dying, and even then I don't see why there are not options such as a caesarean section, or the possibility that it was not the pregnancy which caused it, after all, it is not certain what causes it, according to the medical sources, I a layman have consulted. The child was aborted at 11 weeks due to a diagnosis that the mother was suffering from pulmonary hypertension, a lung disease, which ABC says only could possibly be linked to pregnancy, in their health section. Whether or not the mother's life was saved according to their own medical section, is thus doubtable. And they only name one canon lawyer, Father Thomas Doyle: while attacking the choice of a bishop. They also attack the church on sex abuse, but the reason those trials take so long, is as there is often a lack of proof. Here, the delict was admitted to.

“Referendarius” (formal expert advisor) to the Apostolic Signatura, which Thomas Peters of American Papist calls the highest court in the catholic Church, Edward N. Peters JD JCD, states that the canonical plea of necessity, can only be mitigating at best when the oppressor has committed a delict which by its nature is intrinsically evil, such as the delict of abortion.

He thus agrees with Bishop Olmsted, that Sr. Margaret, who chose to cause an elective abortion of pregnancy at a Catholic hospital, is indeed excommunicated, whether latae sententiae (by the act of the abortion/automatically), or ferendae sententiae: by the declaration of the excommunication, by Bishop Olmsted.

(I am not a canon lawyer or doctor, what I say is not medical or canonical advice)

in reference to: Church Excommunicates Nun Who Authorized Emergency Abortion to Save Mother's Life - ABC News (view on Google Sidewiki)

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