Scripturelink Sites Articles

Wednesday 28 July 2010

An interesting article by Gerald Warner of the Telegraph

Note by Marc Aupiais

It has been noted by C.S. Lewis that a Liberal in South Africa is a conservative in Great Britain, this still remains true, as Labour more closely mixes with the ANC, than Liberal DA, which could likely run under a conservative banner in Great Britain, or for that matter the United States of America. In Australia, a similar situation is existent, Abbot's Liberals, stand conservative against the Labour government in Australia. A liberal in South America, stands conservative also, as with a Democrat, in stark contrast to the socialistic tendencies of America's Democrats.

I don't necessarily agree with Gerald Warner, or consider Damien Thompson anything near a papist, but the article is interesting precisely because it correctly notes, the huge danger of the one size fits all approach to politics, and the difference between conservatives and traditionalists. But by his definition, every minority party must be liberal., in that they aim to change the status quo, or in the least: traditionalists of one or other grouping.

I certainly could debate quite heatedly with all partakers in such an article including Gerald Warner, but I will leave that to my readers.

P.s. Vatican II was no Catastrophe, but a brilliant work of Orthodoxy, the catastrophe was pastoral and at a later date. If anything Benedict XVI is restoring Vatican II, something he helped to engineer.

In South Africa, conservative has more meaning, as the truly liberal or leftest, are also the most Traditional: or are perceived as that, given the ANC's Africanist, Nationalist tendencies!

in reference to: Scrap the meaningless terms Left and Right and reclaim the honourable title 'reactionary' – Telegraph Blogs (view on Google Sidewiki)

Family of woman who died after injury at Lourdes sue tour group

Family of woman who died after injury at Lourdes sue tour group

Quick note by Marc Aupiais

HCPT: The Pilgrimage Trust and Disabled Together, is facing legal action after a reportedly (Telegraph) devout Roman Catholic woman in her 60's fell 4 feet, at Lourdes and allegedly broke her left leg three times and her right leg once in the fall. The woman was born with disability: Cerebral Palsy and had never worked in her life, she survived breast cancer and the death of her husband Ian Mitchell, but widowed Patricia Mitchell, died shortly after the ill fated trip according to the UK Telegraph.

According to HCPT, the matter is being dealt with by their insurers currently, and therefore they have decided not to comment yet.

Patricia Mitchell had on several occasions visited Lourdes, in hope of healing.

Editorial advice:

It is always advisable to be accompanied on any Pilgrimage by relatives or close family, especially if something happens, or where one's needs and interests may be in danger, often pilgrims are short changed in what they get, or expected to survive sub standard or not luxurious conditions. Whether it is so that the group HCPT was negligent or not, our service has often uncovered dangerous bad elements in Catholic groups, such as that of corruption, pseudo-Catholicism or inadequate service. It is always important to insure one gets taken care of, and not to select any group or trust a group simply because they offer pilgrimages, or claim to be Catholic, or seem similar in culture to one's own. Most importantly, one must always be accompanied by people who have their best interests at heart when in any vulnerable situation, including when seeking medical treatment. A nurse assessed the deceased before she left to return to Great Britain / The United Kingdom, and said she had sustained no injuries, British Doctors claimed her legs were broken, and feared an urgent need to amputate, though there does not seem to have been any amputation.

in reference to:

"HCPT: The Pilgrimage Trust and Disabled Together"
- Cerebral palsy sufferer broke both legs on 'healing pilgrimage' - Telegraph (view on Google Sidewiki)

"Vatican unveils 'new Caravaggio' – but art experts say it's an impostor" - Independent

Quick media bias note by Marc Aupiais

"But on Monday, the newspaper reversed itself with an article by the Vatican's top art historian shooting down the claim. Under the front-page headline "A New Caravaggio? Not really", Vatican Museums chief Antonio Paolucci wrote that the work was not of Caravaggio's quality"

- The Independent adds. Really that little paragraph says it all, the title hardly says it all.

L'Osservatore Romano is the Vatican newspaper as much as the Telegraph is the Tory newspaper. It may be sold in the Vatican, but isn't an official Vatican vetted paper, really the editor, has the say, a very controversial man to say the least, who has raised many eyebrows. Official Vatican institutions include Vatican Information Service: a text service which would be there for official announcements to any such art if it were so. ANy credible service looks there for the Vatican's real stances.

The Independent admits that the article itself does not claim it is definitively a new Caravaggio. Perhaps their alleged historic and present day secularist anti-Catholic bias makes them as likely to use a misleading headline as any other paper. As it is, unlike The Catholic Civilization paper, the L'Osservatore Romano, no more represents the Vatican, than the Telegraph represents Great Britain or England! Try again Independent. Actually, don't!

in reference to:

"Vatican unveils 'new Caravaggio' – but art experts say it's an impostor"
- Vatican unveils 'new Caravaggio' – but art experts say it's an impostor - News, Art - The Independent (view on Google Sidewiki)

Saturday 17 July 2010

More on Firsthand: "Twitter Equalizes the web" too far!

The big problem is it doesn't look for verified accounts, and allows wrong accounts to be linked to a person. So on "Twitter Equalizes the We", more on firsthand, we must say it isn't anywhere near Ideal!

in reference to: Your site needs this – Twitter Media (view on Google Sidewiki)

Twitter equalizing the web

Here from the people you read about!

in reference to: Twitter Eyes New Horizons With Kosmix Discovery App - (view on Google Sidewiki)

Thursday 8 July 2010

Awe- did we wittle leftests make a wittle conspiracy wideo

This is hilarious, these leftest losers actually think that there is a valid alternative to oil. And they use the word faucet for tap, how hilarious. PS, it is hosted by JimUFO, need we say more- I bet the aliens are behind the conspiracy behind them poor innocent oil companies which are poisoning every country and took over the media- so that we do use electro-magnetic engines available since the 1960's.

Play the vuvuzela while you listen, will make it more hilarious! What hilarious misfits, the laughter they let us have at their expense. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha b and no, I did not include the little b in some conspiracy theory, except the one to make you think there is a conspiracy theory against you.

Please don't send the link to anyone stupid, we so don't want them running around with tinfoil on their heads. It really is uncooth!

in reference to: YouTube - Show The World !!! ... Please Copy. Please Share. (view on Google Sidewiki)

The Raccoon Muslims, we need to make them feel good about themselves so they don't go bombing us Americans

Ok, I'm paraphrasing, but this is shocking and revolting. NASA's role, now that America has decided it doesn't want spaceships any more (in case Mohammed Ali, I mean Mohammed Bin Laden), blows up the space station, is to inspire little kids and them antequated savage Muslims about math (maths if you want to use non-degraded English) and science. He thinks them Muslims need to know that their ancestors contributed to the number system and science, awe! I am not the only one who is deeply insulted by America's ARROGANT, DISGUSTING MISTREATMENT of the REST OF THE WORLD. I have university level Muslim friends, in fact many of South Africa's greatest minds are Muslim. How dare the US president's representative even suggest such copra as to say Muslims need to be REMINDED of THEIR NATIONS' contributions.

Of course, since the hugely mistreated and unstable man who just happened to hold some Islamist ideas, shot up a US fort, after many warnings ignored: the OBAMA ADMINISTRATION has replaced FREEDOM OF RELIGION with FREEDOM OF WORSHIP in their speeches. Is he seriously suggesting there are Islamic and Christian nations? Because I don't see this ending well for American minorities.

""When I became the NASA administrator -- or before I became the NASA administrator -- he charged me with three things. One was he wanted me to help re-inspire children to want to get into science and math, he wanted me to expand our international relationships, and third, and perhaps foremost, he wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science ... and math and engineering," Bolden said in the interview.

The NASA administrator was in the Middle East last month marking the one-year anniversary since Obama delivered an address to Muslim nations in Cairo. Bolden spoke in June at the American University in Cairo -- in his interview with Al Jazeera, he described space travel as an international collaboration of which Muslim nations must be a part.

"It is a matter of trying to reach out and get the best of all worlds, if you will, and there is much to be gained by drawing in the contributions that are possible from the Muslim (nations)," he said. He held up the International Space Station as a model, praising the contributions there from the Russians and the Chinese.

However, Bolden denied the suggestion that he was on a diplomatic mission -- in a distinctly non-diplomatic role.

"Not at all. It's not a diplomatic anything," he said.

He said the United States is not going to travel beyond low-Earth orbit on its own and that no country is going to make it to Mars without international help.

Bolden has faced criticism this year for overseeing the cancellation of the agency's Constellation program, which was building new rockets and spaceships capable of returning astronauts to the moon. Stressing the importance of international cooperation in future missions, Bolden told Al Jazeera that the moon, Mars and asteroids are still planned destinations for NASA."

in reference to:

"One was he wanted me to help re-inspire children to want to get into science and math, he wanted me to expand our international relationships, and third, and perhaps foremost, he wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science ... and math and engineering," Bolden said in the interview."
- - NASA Chief: Next Frontier Better Relations With Muslim World (view on Google Sidewiki)

Tuesday 6 July 2010

Al Jazeera seemingly mocks US efforts at Palestinian prograss

Interestingly the major stats they quote relate to the West Bank it seems, not Gaza, the major flash-point.

They seem to suggest that the Obama administration only desires progress on paper, and that there will be a thawing of relations between the US and Israel.

I'm going to have to class this particular video in the Al Jazeera While in Propaganda Bin! Do you agree with that judgement? Or is it brilliant investigative journalism, with wise juxtaposition?

in reference to: YouTube - Tensions remain in before Israel's Washington meeting (view on Google Sidewiki)

Pope: Holiness like style, it never goes out of fashion

Rather, it shines ever brighter. He is noting the teaching of a saint here, and saints all, we know: shine forever, because shock, awe and friendliness can last a while, but holiness creates an eternal legacy. My personal patron Philomena shows this: in any case, enough of my commentary: ask the pope himself:

in reference to: YouTube - Pope: Holiness Never Goes Out of Fashion (view on Google Sidewiki)

Sunday 4 July 2010

South Africa still a banana republic: Paris Hilton issue

"eNews reporters have filmed exclusive cell phone footage of Paris Hilton appearing in a Port Elizabeth court.

Hilton and her friend, Jennifer Rovero, were arrested for alleged drug possession at the World Cup clash between Brazil and the Netherlands.

Charges were later withdrawn against Hilton, but her friend admitted to being in possession of the cannabis and pleaded guilty.

eNews cell phone footage shows the two appearing before the magistrate late on Friday night."

ETV News.

Seems not only people with connections to the ANC are let off due to "lack of evidence"!

in reference to:

"eNews reporters have filmed exclusive cell phone footage of Paris Hilton appearing in a Port Elizabeth court. Hilton and her friend, Jennifer Rovero, were arrested for alleged drug possession at the World Cup clash between Brazil and the Netherlands. Charges were later withdrawn against Hilton, but her friend admitted to being in possession of the cannabis and pleaded guilty. eNews cell phone footage shows the two appearing before the magistrate late on Friday night."
- YouTube - Paris Hilton appears in Port Elizabeth court. (view on Google Sidewiki)

Friday 2 July 2010

What religious reporting should look like

Wow, once again I APPLAUD Reuters for brilliant and accurate religious reporting! p.s. Article is June 24!

in reference to: Belgian church offices raided in abuse inquiry | Reuters (view on Google Sidewiki)

Thursday 1 July 2010

Even New York Times notes scandal of Belgian raid on Catholic Bishops

While being sure to note a person claiming that at least 5 000 people must have been abused, and certainly not able to say one good thing about the church while leaving out as much as possible, the New York Times' Stephen Castle somehow manages to write the closest he was able to an article that admits to wrongdoing against the Catholic Church.

Of course this article proves the Catholic Culture editorial recently wrong, in their claims that blatant anti-Catholic attacks are becoming more popular, just the opposite, the Belgian raid has been met with shock around the world! Belgium itself faces the threat of splitting in half recently.

Of course the New York Times, rather than link to related possible human rights violations, doesn't!

in reference to: Belgian Raiders Went to National Archives - (view on Google Sidewiki)

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