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Saturday 18 December 2010

Fight Apple, the Evil Empire 2.0. - email Steve Jobs opposing his bigotry! May God make Apple computers bankrupt- my prayer! And my email to Steve Jobs

Article by Marc Aupiais

Evil Empire 2.0 has taken a stance most people in the world would see as evil, partisan and plain and simply freak, so I emailed their head and I advise you to as well. email now and make sure to let him know that next time you consider buying apple, chances are you'll think again. why? because they have chosen to attack Christians for being Christians. The Catholic Archdiocese of Washington has a good analysis of Apple's anti-Catholicism, anti-Eastern Orthodox, ant-Evangelical stance:

Former Revolutionary Becomes Big Brother – Steve Jobs and Apple Refuse a Pro-life and Pro-Marriage App


and as for my letter which they and I suggest you write something like:

subject: Your hatred of Christians

Is not unnoticed, I am looking for alternatives to Apple everywhere, and will encourage others to as well. Censoring the Manhattan declaration while your podcasts list has so many sexually explicit videos... just shows why I was right not to buy an ipad or apple computer. I will be sure to give you as much bad press as possibly in my blogs. I will also pray for your company to go bankrupt. 

Thank you for letting the majority of the people in the world know just how American, and partisan apple is, just how much it hates the views that the majority of people in the world hold. It will not be forgiven or forgotten!

Sancte Philomena Ora Pro Nobis!

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