Scripturelink Sites Articles

Tuesday 15 June 2010

Can we borrow this Bolivian Bishop for the Football World Cup

because he clearly gets the role of bishops better than the hippy promoting Southern African Catholic Bishops' Conference, which seems to worship Bafana Bafana more than God lately, and has us all singing the many language South African National Anthem in Church on Sundays- imagine if we were to recite a pro-life pledge?

Archbishop of Cochabamba, Archbishop Tito Solari, has warned in concern and in earnest his flock in Bolivia, not to act immorally or dangerously during the Carnival in Bolivia. Imagine if the SACBC spent their time warning us not to drink and drive in the world cup, not to act immorally, to be watchful: and seek the spiritual, and joy without sin? Imagine if the SACBC actually talked much more about sin, rather than about this or that priest who died, or this or that national event. Archbishop of Cochabamba, Archbishop Tito Solari, come to South Africa, PLEASE!

in reference to: Avoid excesses in carnivals, Bishop asks Catholics (view on Google Sidewiki)

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