Scripturelink Sites Articles

Monday 21 June 2010

Women discriminated against in population control

Va-Browser Editorial by Marc Aupiais

(I was recently asked by a highly valued reader of South African Catholic if I had hung up my mouse. I haven't, but I have been ill after exams, and have been updating the site, also, I have been writing a purposely controversial and confrontational site, va-browser, which has articles that cannot be SACNS articles purely because they are so purposely controversial here is one: as I said, controversy over perspective, but the facts are correct, VA-Browser may be read in the columns section of the South African catholic site, or on the Va-Browser site, tell me if you want these sorts of articles on South African Catholic:)

This is worth the watch if not simply to see the sad "sexually frustrated" men, who can't find wives, and whose mother is worried, and to hear that in large parts of China they are the rule, not the exception.

While in China being a woman is seen as a disability, in the West children with problems or disabilities, are treated much the same, legally it seems. If a child will be high upkeep it can and often will be aborted here. In fact, half of South African pregnancies were aborted in 2007.

What's wrong with Chinese men outnumbering women- well for one thing a massive population decline to come, and why is population decline bad? We have quoted KPMG on the matter before, as they have warned of the coming decline in the West and in South Africa: a collapse in the public sector, a collapse of skills, companies and government unless enough is done to adapt or prevent the skills shortage, the KPMG article can be found as linked to by Va-browser, in our dedicated articles to the matter.

In any case, Al Jazeera, while mentioning that ultra-sounds for gender are illegal in China, says:

"AlJazeeraEnglish — June 20, 2010 — The Chinese government says its so-called "one-child policy" has succeeded in reining in its population.

But more than three decades after the policy's implementation, China is dealing with some challenging consequences.

In a country where families often value sons over daughters and $20 can get you an illegal gender ultrasound test, there is a massive gender imbalance.

Combined with the country's economic development, this has left an entire generation of men unable to find wives.

Al Jazeera's Melissa Chan reports from Hainan in the country's south, women, it appears, are nowhere to be found."

Point and laugh people point and laugh... I mean put on a sad face and cry. To be honest, when a people put a government which doesn't value population growth in power, they deserve these results, I don't care how "sexually frustrated" they are. Feel free to comment if you disagree, really, I want those comments: because I am making a point.

Fact is, while the propaganda continues to go out about a growing population, the opposite is projected by the experts. We will have to stop using fossil fuels by 2050 whether the population grows or declines: the problem is lack of fossil fuels, not too many people.

And in South Africa, the ten children phenomenon in the black communities is dying out, as they are no longer being pressured into it by ANC activists who wanted to build soldiers, and were at that stage allegedly intimidating children into striking on days such as say June 16: go through the actual interviews. This is why KPMG has included South Africa on its population decline danger list, because our population is to soon decline and with crime, road accidents and medical phenomenon the South African population is in grave danger, as with our public sector!

in reference to: YouTube - China's one-child policy creates massive gender imbalance (view on Google Sidewiki)

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