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Wednesday 15 September 2010

The type of Tea Party, without a guest list

Article by Marc Aupiais

The hooligan tea Party in the United States, is doing every attempt to strangle the Establishment Republicans into submission. A group of radicals, rebels, and people whose homes were foreclosed, the group is becoming even more furious: than the monkey American founders who ruined perfectly good tea.

The Republican Party is predicted to regain the house, and seep, or is it sweep Hope and Change away with the same broom the government took from American workers and gave to China, as it further chained itself to debt.

The Tea Party, like the uneducated British Football hooligans (not the ones who play in the Premier league), is certainly making splashes with their efforts to blow greenhorns into Washington, while of course claiming that they are not nearly as green as Obama.

Idealists, conservatives, and the Angry Mob in check, the Tea Party movement is certainly the new Katrina: resurrected after her pathetic pagan funeral.

If the Republican Establishment is not careful, it will sweep it off its feet, and create a new party: either out of the Republican party or all on its own.

As much as they remind one of JK Rolling's House-elves, the tea Party Republicans, and every ordinary voters, have something to say, as loudly as those who elected a token black president.

And I personally think that the Republican party should listen to the Unwashed Masses, who can no longer afford the expensive soap!

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